Program of Youngs

Focused on developing skills and competencies for young people.

Environmental Culture

Promotes relations with the community for the care and preservation of our forests.

Strengthening of Community Development

Oriented to the development of skills in groups and CSOs’ with experience in community projects.


Community Funds is a strategic area of Fundación Comunitaria Malinalco, that aims to promote local philanthropy, encouraging social investors to support and increase the impact of their donations in projects that have a positive effect on the community and the environment.

By creating a Fund in the FCM, the social investor is made sure that the Foundation will help in achieving its philanthropic goals and in ensuring follow-up and transparency in the donations.

Learn about the funds that have been supported by Fundación Comunitaria Malinalco!

Malinalco Dogs Fund

is a project focused on the problem of overpopulation and abandonment of dogs and cats in Malinalco. It seeks to raise awareness about the benefits of sterilization, adoption, care and the need for animal responsibility. 

Other funds

Emergency Fund

this is an initiative that arose from the 2017 earthquake in Mexico and the S19 reconstruction fund with the aim of providing solutions to disasters or risk situations derived from unexpected events in Malinalco. The Emergency Fund has the operational structure that can be activated immediately in the event of any unexpected situation. The most recent activity of the Fund was in April 2020, in the context of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.


is a social project that enables girls, boys, adolescents and young people suffering social exclusion to choose a life they value, free of violence and addictions in Malinalco, state of Mexico.

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Malinalco Orchestra

this initiative was developed in 2015, with the aim of promoting educational and artistic opportunities for children and adolescents in the community of Malinalco, through music and the creation of an orchestra. It continued with the Esperanza Azteca Orchestra Program, from the Carlos Slim Foundation.

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Voices and Visions

it is a civil society organization that develops and implements innovative educational programs, with an inclusive approach, for children, their families and their social environment in the region of Malinalco, in order to promote equity by generating equal opportunities.

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Fondo La Loma

this initiative was led by a group of organized women who came together to give aid to 22 families affected by the 2017 earthquake and relocated in the town of La Loma in Ocuilan. The project seeks to regularize the situation of the community’s children who were left without a school through the construction of La Loma Community Center, where computer and English lessons will also be offered.

S19 Reconstruction Fund

this fund was temporarily activated in order to palliate the damages caused by the 2017 earthquake. This fund contributed to the creation of collection centers, food distribution routes, and the reconstruction of houses in different communities in Malinalco..

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Citizen Observatory of Malinalco

is a project that began with the objective of building a safer and less violent community through citizen participation. The project focused on monitoring information on violence and crime in the region, in order to generate adequate security measures and offer legal advice.